Pause Retreat - Glamping in the North - pause Retreat



Pause Retreat – Glamping in the North

With Maya Kramer & Dror Rada

Pause With Maya Kramer & Dror Rada

We are excited to invite you on a three-day grounding journey in a luxury glamping experience located in a secret place up in the north of Israel that will include a variety of wellness content to bring us back to center, forget about the noise happening around us and learn practical tools that we can take home at the end of the journey.

So first of all what is Glamping? Glamping is a combination of the two words glamorous &  camping, get ready for a five star experience in a top level tent, containing all the small details (fully furnished, thick mattresses, electrical outlets and lots of other treats and surprises), healthy and nutritious chef meals, endless views and all in a private ,exclusive and … ECOLOGICAL location full of spaces and tranquility away from the crowds.


So what to expect?

Four yoga classes with Maya Kramer – All levels practice, based on the Vinyasa method

A meditative sound journey with Dror Rada

Different types of meditations

A trip outside the compound

Nutritious meals a day plus snacks throughout the day (Dinner on the first day, 3 meals on the second and Brunch on the last day)

Kabbalat Shabbat

All you need is to pack a bag and come! ๐Ÿ™‚



Maya Kramer has gone through one of the most impressive revolutions, from a successful stylist, TV presenter and reality star, Maya has become a leading yoga and meditation instructor in Israel. Through her private wellness brand, she accompanies people in processes of change and growth, leads workshops such as “Awaken the Goddess withinโ€, lectures on spirituality, teaches SUP-Yoga at the Hilton Tel Aviv & at various beaches throughout, and leads groups on wellness retreats abroad.

In late 2019 she created and filmed a wellness-based TV show where she exposes ancient healing techniques used in different cultures around the world  (the first episode was filmed in India).

She also developed the Quickie Yoga method which gives easy tools for short daily practices and she also makes sure to convey messages of inner peace and balance through her Instagram account. (@mayakramer). Maya teaches Vinyasa Yoga while incorporating mindfulness, spirituality and methods she has studied in the last 15 years.



Dror Rada is a sound artist and researcher who was born in Israel. At the age of 34, a profound inner experience with sound changed the course of his life. He then decided to devote his time and energy to research and teach how sound can help others. Dror core belief is that sound can change the world towards the better. 

Sound is a vibration that reaches our brain at a certain frequency and energy, and translates into pitch, timbre and amplitude. Then a deeper connection is made in vast parts of the brain to memories, feelings and images. Therefore, when we hear a song we may cry, rejoice or remember past events.

Sound is the keys to our emotions and memories because they use the same areas of the brain.


ABOUT pause: 

We specialize in creating memorable experiences on an international scale, curating tailor-made activities for your employees, team, clients, or members. From workshops, lectures, and classes to weekend retreats and offsite gatherings we offer a โ€œone stop shopโ€ curation in the fields of wellness. Everything involving mind, body and soul practice to make your chosen audience feel more connected, empowered and happy with themselves, their environment and what they do. 

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 .Glamorous Camping – ื’ืœืžืคื™ื ื’ ื–ื” ืฆื™ืจื•ืฃ ืฉืœ
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ืงื‘ืœืช ืฉื‘ืช
 ๐Ÿ™‚ ื›ืœ ืžื” ืฉืืชื ืฆืจื™ื›ื™ื ื–ื” ืœืืจื•ื– ืชื™ืง ื•ืœื‘ื•ื
…ืขืœ ื”ืžื ื—ื™ื ืฉืœื ื•
ืžื™ื” ืงืจืžืจ
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ื“ืจื•ืจ ืจื“ื”
ื“ืจื•ืจ ืจื“ื” ื”ื•ื ืืžืŸ ืฆืœื™ืœ ื•ื—ื•ืงืจ ืฉื ื•ืœื“ ื‘ื™ืฉืจืืœ. ื‘ื’ื™ืœ 34 ื—ื•ื•ื™ื” ืคื ื™ืžื™ืช ืขืžื•ืงื” ืขื ืฆืœื™ืœ ืฉื™ื ืชื” ืืช ืžื”ืœืš ื—ื™ื™ื•. ืœืื—ืจ ืžื›ืŸ ื”ื•ื ื”ื—ืœื™ื˜ ืœื”ืงื“ื™ืฉ ืืช ื–ืžื ื• ื•ืžืจืฆื• ืœืžื—ืงืจ ื•ืœืœืžื“ ื›ื™ืฆื“ ืฆืœื™ืœ ื™ื›ื•ืœ ืœืขื–ื•ืจ ืœืื—ืจื™ื. ืืžื•ื ืช ื”ืœื™ื‘ื” ืฉืœ ื“ืจื•ืจ ื”ื™ื ืฉืฆืœื™ืœ ื™ื›ื•ืœ ืœืฉื ื•ืช ืืช ื”ืขื•ืœื ืœื˜ื•ื‘ื”
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ื‘ื•ืื• ืœื”ื™ื›ื ืข ืœืฆืœื™ืœื™ื, ืœื”ืชื—ื‘ืจ ืœืขืฆืžื™ ื•ืœื ืชืง ืืช ืขืฆืžื›ื ืžื›ืœ ื”ืจืขืฉื™ื ืžืกื‘ื™ื‘
ืื ื• ืžืชืžื—ื™ื ื‘ื™ืฆื™ืจืช ื—ื•ื•ื™ื•ืช ื‘ืœืชื™ ื ืฉื›ื—ื•ืช ื‘ืงื ื” ืžื™ื“ื” ื‘ื™ื ืœืื•ืžื™, ื‘ืืฆื™ืจืช ืคืขื™ืœื•ื™ื•ืช ื‘ื”ืชืืžื” ืื™ืฉื™ืช ืขื‘ื•ืจ ื”ืงื”ื™ืœื” ืฉืœื ื• ืื• ื”ืขื•ื‘ื“ื™ื, ื”ืฆื•ื•ืช, ื”ืœืงื•ื—ื•ืช ื•ื”ื—ื‘ืจื™ื ืฉืœื›ื. ื”ื—ืœ ืžืกื“ื ืื•ืช, ื”ืจืฆืื•ืช ื•ืฉื™ืขื•ืจื™ื ื•ืขื“ ืจื™ื˜ืจื™ื˜ื™ื ื‘ืกื•ืฃ ื”ืฉื‘ื•ืข , ืื ื• ืžืฆื™ืขื™ื ื—ื•ื•ื™ื” ืฉืœ โ€œone stop shopโ€ ื‘ืชื—ื•ืžื™ ื”ื•ื•ืœื ืก. ื›ืœ ืžื” ืฉืงืฉื•ืจ ื‘ืชืจื’ื•ืœ ื”ืžื™ื™ื ื“, ื’ื•ืฃ ื•ื ืคืฉ ื›ื“ื™ ืœื’ืจื•ื ืœืงื”ืœ ื”ื ื‘ื—ืจ ืฉืœื ื• ื•ืฉืœื›ื ืœื”ืจื’ื™ืฉ ื™ื•ืชืจ ืžื—ื•ื‘ืจ, ืžื•ืขืฆื ื•ืžืื•ืฉืจ ืขื ืขืฆืžื, ื•ืขื ื”ืกื‘ื™ื‘ื” ืฉืœื”ื

Main muscles



Includes accommodation, 3 full meals a day (Dinner upon arrival, 3 meals of the second day and big brunch on the last day), A trip outside the compound, all the content and some surprises

All tents are the same size – Super large and lots of space

Early Bird

*Registers until August 15th – First 10 only.

Duo – Share a tent with a pauser – 2799nis per person

Trio- Share a tent with 2 pausers – 2299nis per person

Quad – Share a tent with 3 pauser – 1999nis per person

Just a Bird

Duo – Share a tent with a pauser – 2999nis per person

Trio- Share a tent with 2 pausers – 2499nis per person

Quad – Share a tent with 3 pauser – 2099nis per person

Glow tents

Glow tents provide a natural feeling inspired experience, using natural materials in carpeting, furniture and textiles.ย Youโ€™ll get what we mean when you walk into and spend the night in our unique bell designed tents. ๐Ÿ™‚

Weโ€™ve got you covered! Glow tents are fully equipped with hand made furniture, raised beds with 12โ€™โ€™ thick premium mattresses, super comfy pillows, premium linen, espresso machine, power outlets and everything youโ€™d expect to find in a 5 star hotel room. Glow respect nature and wildlife and choose locations accordingly, use eco friendly materials and leave no trace behind.




30 sqm of stylish space

Hand made furniture

Premium mattresses 33cm thick at highest grade

Premium โ€œviscoโ€ memory foam pillows

Premium white satin beddingย Bathrobes

Private balcony & lots of space and privacy

Hot water kettle +ย  tea, cookies & coffee capsules machine

Phone charging power outlets



Leave the hustle and bustle behind and unwind in the open air, in stunning different locations across Israel โ€“ may it be the desert, in the lush Golan heights, Galilee and more. Enjoy the great outdoors at the high convenience you are used to. Glow tents are fully sealed and protected from the elements. Tents are chilled in the summer and heated in the colder seasons.
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